Heard the negative propaganda about MedRevisions?

If not, we are glad you are living in a better world, but let's bring you up to speed.

There are fake profiles on Facebook spreading false rumours about MedRevisions. There's also a false claim made by a competitor on their Facebook page to defame MedRevisions and its founding member. This has been a growing trend since MedRevisions launched because it is so rapidly growing in popularity among PLAB candidates. It's sad and unfortunate that our competitors resort to such unethical practices. The world would be a better place if they would just update their website and features to help PLAB candidates rather than finding dishonourable ways around it.

So is MedRevisions legitimate? What does this mean for you?

We are a registered C Corporation in the United States with official contact information and TAX ID. In other words, if anyone wants to file a copyright claim for a legitimate reason, they can and would do so in an official manner. As you are all aware this has not and will not happen. Therefore, these competitors resort to sleazy attempts by cyber-bullying and defaming us on social media. We built our question bank based on past exams, students and industry experts such as practising doctors. Today, we have the largest PLAB question bank and it's growing everyday. Our in-house team works really hard everyday to craft new and related questions to help you succeed. Therefore, it’s only natural that another company may source from similar past questions.

Furthermore, our dedicated team has been continually updating content (notes and questions) according to the most recent guideline changes from the time we launched. You can find more about this by following this link Click here. Therefore, it is unacceptable, cowardly and completely false when any of our competitors claim our content to be outdated.

Lastly, we want to reassure you and this is our pledge:

Our team will continue to update the questions with the latest content.

We will continue to eliminate bugs and improve our website with new features.

We have issued thousands of USD in referral credits and promise to continue our referral program as promised. (If you are not in the referral game, you're missing out!)

We will not succumb to internet bullies and will continue to support you and future candidates with PLAB preparations.

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to read about our fight against internet bullies.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions related to MedRevisions. We are always here to help!

Finally, we kindly ask you to share your opinion in the comment section by clicking the button below and showing your support. 

Be safe and good luck in your studies!
Thank you,

MedRevisions Team

Read what past PLAB part 1 candidates say about MedRevisions: Click here

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